Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Teacher Appears When the Student is Ready.

Readiness to grow past one's blocks sometimes eludes the most aware of people. Being ready is what will draw toward you, the teachers and opportunities to help you move past the blocks. What I am keenly aware of is, no one will progress unless they choose to and only when they are absolutely ready to do so. Being teachable is one of the key elements that is necessary to help you move toward readiness to grow past your negative repetitive patterns. You know you are teachable when you begin to drop the arrogance that you know everything. When you are teachable you are open to suggestion and you are noticing and interpreting life's lessons and messages. Teachability is largely achieved when one has dropped the hard,inflexible exterior that masks vulnerability and openness. When you find yourself stuck in life's negativity and hardship, chances are, you are attracting all of this toward you due to your non teachable state of being. Choose to be open and to be ready so that that your teachers begin to manifest themselves in your life.