Basically if you are holding on tight, don't. When you hold on tight you are in effect signaling to the Universe that you don't trust the process of life. That, in effect sends you down a spiraling cycle of control and distrust. I'm talking about holding on tight to anything. Good or bad. If you are holding on to something good because you are afraid to be with out it, you are saying "I don't trust that there is enough goodness to go around. I need to hold on, only to this." This sets up a strong poverty consciousness of not enough-ness. And then what the Universe is going to give back to you is just that-- Not enough-ness.
What is so important to know is that if something you love is leaving you, there is probably something even better coming to you. Life takes care of us even when it may not seem that way.
Be the floating cork in the ocean. Go with life's up and downs, ebbs and flows and know that without even trying you will float. It is safe to relax and trust life because no matter what is happening to you, it is all good. Even if it does not feel good-- it is. It's growth therefore it is good.
Another law of the Universe to remember is that nature abhors a void. When you let go, you create a space, a void. That void needs to be filled with something. And it will get filled. So trust that. You are safe. Life is safe.
It is safe to trust in the process of life.
Say that often and you will feel that as a truth inside you.
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