Monday, October 06, 2008
The shadow self transformed.
If you are honest with yourself, we all have a dark side. A shadow part of ourselves that moves us whether we know it or not. The shadow side lives in those inner most thoughts; a part of yourself that is longing to be heard and seen. It is the hurt part, the pleading part of us. the part of us that is not in balance. It generates anger, resentment, negativity. This energy can serve you or destroy you. It can be tapped into as an exellent motivator for change. This is the missing link that many ignore. Ask yourself if your shadow self is serving you or hindering you. Shift gears as soon as you realize it is trying to destroy you. Use your anger as an accelerant that propels you to the next level of conciousness, achievement and tranformation. Use the dark energy and have the intention to shift it into to a lighter, more evolved energy.
1 comment:
My shadow self controls with either appathy or self sabotage. I think it stems from my parents divorce when I was eleven. I was daddy's girl until then and after I was a pawn to help convince him that my mother was weak and the reason for the end of the marriage. I acted out as a teenager but remember feeling very lost, powerless, and unloveable. I feel like I taught myself life lessons, pretended to be in the know and trying to learn at the same time. I am a firm believer in spiritual growth and yet I feel the little girl in me has not yet fully resolved the let down of not having an unconditional loving relationship with her father. Now that I am happily married and mother of one, I wonder if my lack of energy, motivation and occational self sabotage with food and cigarettes is a deep seeded belief of being unworthy to me? I feel like i love myself, respect myself, have confidence in my abilities. And yet my actions of smoking butts, secret occasional binge eating, not careing what I look like, not taking the action needed to help me feel & be healthier and having a big fat F@#k it button that I press and feel no guilt over! Do it anyway even though that little voice tells me spoon fulls of brown sugar are bad for, smoking butts is full of poison and you don't feel great after...why and how can i fully resolve this and live my life in a healthy way that i really care about??
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