Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Teacher Appears When the Student is Ready.

Readiness to grow past one's blocks sometimes eludes the most aware of people. Being ready is what will draw toward you, the teachers and opportunities to help you move past the blocks. What I am keenly aware of is, no one will progress unless they choose to and only when they are absolutely ready to do so. Being teachable is one of the key elements that is necessary to help you move toward readiness to grow past your negative repetitive patterns. You know you are teachable when you begin to drop the arrogance that you know everything. When you are teachable you are open to suggestion and you are noticing and interpreting life's lessons and messages. Teachability is largely achieved when one has dropped the hard,inflexible exterior that masks vulnerability and openness. When you find yourself stuck in life's negativity and hardship, chances are, you are attracting all of this toward you due to your non teachable state of being. Choose to be open and to be ready so that that your teachers begin to manifest themselves in your life.

Monday, July 09, 2007


Today a client told me that she could not celebrate her winning a new account, her success, because she did not have a man in her life. Somehow she felt her life was less valuable without a man. I looked at her and told her the story of my wonderful time at a very expensive steak house--you know, the kind that charges 45 dollars for a piece of steak. We ordered our meal and then came the wonderful marbled meat... complete with sizzle and red wine. It was divine and as we gobbled and swooned over the specialness and perfectness of the meal. Around 20 minutes later, the waitress ran over, mortified and apologetic that she had forgotten the sherry-shallot gravy. We all paused and looked at each other and said, "The steak on its own is divine." "Oh but you must have it with the gravy because that is our specialty," she said with conviction. So we said, "ok, just leave it on the table." We all tried it and in truth it was wonderful, but the meal would have been absolutely perfect as is without the gravy....

And that is your life, I told my client. Your life is perfection on its own. You are perfect on your own. A man would be lovely but that is not what adds value to it. You are the steak!! You don't need the gravy to make it better!

Friday, June 08, 2007

Hell Hath No Fury Like An Unheard Child!

Remember when you were small and you did not get what you wanted or needed? Didn't you just scream you ass off. Didn't you just yell and scream and tantrum and make life quite miserable? Until your mom finally came down on her knees and gently wiped the tears from your face and finally listened to you. Finally asked quietly what it is that you wanted. Well that child within you today as an adult is still screaming and carrying on if you do not give it what it needs and wants. Things like proper rest, proper financial management, proper friendships.... generally a safe and clear life. If you abandon yourself by not caring for your inner core child, it will run your life and eventually ruin your life. Take care of self and if the child within is yelling... stop everything... close your eyes, and ask yourself gently what is going on and what the child needs. Soon it will quiet down and it will give you an answer that will inevitable lead you back to your adult.

Monday, May 21, 2007

transformation requires deep looking within self

Remember that you are your own expert... you can look to others for the magic bullet answers and you can seek outside yourself for the key but ultimately it is only you that can take the transformational steps required to get you to your new state. You have all your own answers through your own intuition. Look within. Staying true to you is a challenge especially when others may be trying to convince you of their point of view. Beware of conversations that occur with people who have an agenda for you to go down their way of thinking. Check in deeply with yourself first before any action. It is powerful to know that you have arrived at a new place through your own effort and decisions. You get to take all of the credit and all of the satisfaction. Also on the other hand all of the consequences are yours too. It is worth it in my opinion. The ultimate power is full on personal responsibility for your own life.