Monday, October 31, 2005

Take Personal responsibility for your self!

The most important tool one can use in order to engage with life productively is to take personal responsibility for everything that is going on in one's life. You are not a victim of your life. Period. You are a co-creator of your life through your thoughts and your choices. We are working in tandem with the Universe to co create life. This is intertwined with one's Karma as well. Pay close attention to all your thoughts and choices. Especially the repetitive choices that you make. For example constantly taking stuff on that is not yours like other people's expectations, or other peoples values or other peoples put downs. These will certainly cause one to have a compromised self esteem as opposed to feeling empowered and energized.

Life is a mirror remember. This mirror is there for us to notice and to realize what we are creating and what we are responsible for in our life.

Also, it is important to remember that even though we are responsible for what goes on in our life, it is also true that we are not to blame. Blame and responsibility are on opposite ends of a spectrum. So it is not about self punishment when we discover that we have created something in our life from our thoughts. That is counter productive and will land us in a worse situation. It is about getting aware and getting focused on that which is our responsibility so that we can go about the business of change. Awareness is first then willingness , then courage, then repetition. Take responsibility and watch the miracles of life occur.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

What we focus on expands.....

One of the laws of the universe is a simple one that is easy to remember. What we focus on expands. If we focus on the negative including fear this will expand and become that which will attract to ourselves more readily. Same goes for the positive stuff. If we see the lessons in the turmoil versus "life is always trying to shit on me" in the problem, we are more likely to reap the rewards of life. But once again the theme here is "Get in the moment and step out of being so unconscious in your life." Wake up and understand that you are contstantly co-creating with the universe. You are not a victim of life. You are a key piece in life. We are not in charge of the timing of when things occur, that is the universe's job to coordinate it all. Our job is to get clear about what our thoughts are and thus what we are attracting to us. We are also in charge of deciding what we want in life. But again not when that thing comes to us. Get clear, get in the now and focus on that. Because you know....What we focus on expands. :):)

Monday, October 17, 2005

Listen to your body it is having a dialogue with you...

When your body starts to talk with you, it does so in the form of symptoms. Usually the dialogue begins in whispers but if you do not pay attention it begins to yell really loudly so that it can be heard. And it doesn't do to ignore it. Just think about what happens to a tantrumous child that is locked in his or her room. They usually yell louder and louder until you finally give in and listen to what the child is saying ..That is your body. The theme here is get in the moment and pay attention to what your body is saying.

Friday, October 14, 2005

It's all about change.........

I really know and believe that everything that is going on, on the emotional realm is impacting everything that is going on in every other one of our realms. What we think is impacting what is happening in our bodies, our minds, our relationships and our entire environment. If we want change to occur we need to go at it from a very holistic perspective. Go at it from all angles.

Change requires consistency and courage and of course awareness.

"Thoughtus Interuptus" no not coitus interuptus!! This is technique that I encourage clients often to do. It is about really getting in the moment and noticing thoughts and patterns that are detrimental to one's self and one's relationships and that ultimately are no longer rally working for us. The behaviour pattern may have served you in childhood but not as an adult. For example the pattern may be withdrawing without warning, or lashing out, people pleasing, etc.. Which then sabotages a relationship and ultimately oneself.
With this tool you get in the moment and you notice your feeling and auto pilot thoughts. And then you go about replacing it consciously with another more serving thought and pattern.

No it's not easy. But it works. Get in the moment and realize what is not serving you. Then repetitively replace it with what is working or you. Blessings.